The Vancouver-based international tech-recruitment firm VanHack was a leader in their niche, addressing the tech-skills gap for Canadian companies in need of talent.
Looking to accelerate an already-promising growth trend, VanHack knew their messaging needed refinement. They hired Mind Meld PR, which quickly built out a web of rich findable content, gained serious media attention, and helped position VanHack for next-level growth.

Tech PR Challenge
VanHack’s value proposition was not always clear to potential clients. They had good pieces of content across numerous channels, but much of it was hard to find, or out of date. The company needed a sound tech-PR strategy to more clearly communicate the brand’s benefits to the large but busy and diffuse tech-leadership audience. Calling in Mind Meld PR for additional expertise, the CEO outlined the mission: build the brand through strategic media relations.
Tech PR Solution
Mind Meld PR identified the core of VanHack’s brand story -- fast-moving guidance, cutting through red tape -- and tackled their brochures, blog posts and testimonials with needed updates to show more aspects of the benefit the company offered. Mind Meld PR worked with VanHack to write new content emphasizing, for example, the unprecedented success of their LEAP job fairs, and to strategically update and redeploy older material.
To place the revamped messaging, Mind Meld PR found publications where VanHack's thought leadership could reach its target audience. In a steady stream of press releases targeted to valuable journalists and outlets, Mind Meld PR bolstered and expanded VanHack’s narrative, positioning them as the one international recruiter who could help tech companies navigate the thickets of immigration bureaucracy.
Tech PR Results
In short order, VanHack saw major news hits in general-readership outlets like the Globe and Mail.
The company and its CEO started appearing frequently in tech outlets like BetaKit, Forbes and the Daily Hive. Their brand gained substantial traction in the Western Canadian tech community in particular, telling their story in key podcasts like Business in Vancouver.
The company’s blog and other channels saw a major increase in traffic, as did key landing pages with freshly-updated content. VanHack’s new content -- and the credibility generated from its media coverage -- helped generate new business.
Need help getting media coverage for your Tech Recruiting company?
Companies are always in need of great talent -- and we can help your tech recruiting company connect with them.
Contact Mind Meld PR to kickstart your campaign!