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How we write your press release for you

You’ve got an announcement to make, but spoiler alert - so does everybody else. You’ve got serious competition. How do you craft an effective press release, and what part can we play in your success?

From a recent interview, our founder and PR expert Jonathon Narvey, indulged a few of our secrets on what goes into a press release, and exactly how we operate.

How long does it take to write a press release?

How long does it take to write a press release?

Assuming you can provide us with all the details we need at the start, not long at all. 48 hours, tops.

Be ready for us: have your story, any important facts and details, and even better, a decent quote.

Do you always target the same reporters for every client?

For every press release, we will create a custom media list that goes to the types of reporters you want to include. For our clients, that usually means a lot of business and tech reporters. But we'll also add reporters who cover your niche.

If you've got a health tech app with some health tech news, we regularly find reporters that cover that kind of thing, and can create a personalized list fast. We use snazzy PR software to find the best reporters for your press release.

Do you guarantee that we get press coverage?

The honest answer is no, and any PR agency that tells you otherwise may be leading you astray.

Reporters can reject stories for all kinds of reasons. They only have so much bandwidth and many get hundreds of press releases a day. But we can tell you this - not sending your press release to reporters will guarantee that you don't get media coverage for your story.

What's the best day to send out a press release?

What's the best day to send out a press release?

Tuesday morning, 8 am. That's not an actual rule, but it tends to work better. On Monday, reporters are just catching up from the weekend. By Friday, they've mostly checked out. We like to catch them when they are most productive.

I already have a press release sort of half-written. You just need to edit it. Can I get a deal?

Sorry, our pricing is what it is. The truth is that we're probably going to have to seriously edit that sucker. Maybe even rewrite it from scratch. There's a certain way of writing press releases that results in actual press coverage - and we know what works.

That said, if you do have written content you feel might help us, you’re welcome to share it as part of our work together - it won’t affect pricing, but more detail may help us build a better release.

What do you charge for PR support?

We believe that transparency is best, which is why all of our pricing is listed on our website. Not many PR agencies do this, but in the interest of saving you time, and us, we’re upfront about costs.

Our packages can be tailored to your needs though, in which case we could adjust the price to reflect that too.

I’m in the US, can you still support us with PR?

Absolutely. Part of effective PR is knowing the industry and media landscape of the area, and we have that expertise for Canada and the US. Whether you’re down in Silicon Valley or a tech startup in Seattle, we’ll be able to tailored our packages to what you need.

I think I need more than just a press release. Our company has lots of news to share. I need public relations services every month. Do you offer other PR packages?

We offer a range of packages, from monthly retainers to one off campaigns, or even just a focus on content marketing. Most of our clients work with us on an ongoing monthly retainer, but if you do need a package customized to your needs, we’re all ears.

Our PR services pages detail our current packages, and you might find that we cover something you never considered even doing before. If you do have any questions about these packages or are curious how we might be able to tailor them to you, send us a message.

I need public relations services every month.

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